Leçons Numériques - Histoire

by Éditions JOCATOP



contentsThe software contains 39 lessons to illustrate the story in CM1 and CM2. Each lesson can be used directly with your students, but you can also customize them based on activities in your class. You can also compose your lessons entirely by using the JOCATOP library at your disposal or by integrating the documents of the class.The lessons of the software are completed by:exercises and evaluations to project or print,videos, animated maps and original interactive animations,commented pictures,photographs, reproduction of works of art and illustrations,historical maps and friezes,tables and graphs,additional documents,a lexicon of difficult words,activity sheets.SummaryIntro - What is history?And before France?1 - The first civilizations in France2 - The people of Gaul3 - The conquest of Gaul and romanization4 - The development of Christianity and the end of the Roman Empire5 - Unification of Gaul: Clovis and the Merovingians6 - The constitution of an empire: CharlemagneThe time of kings1 - The construction of the kingdom of France: the Capetian kings2 - The society in the thirteenth century3 - Louis IX4 - The Renaissance5 - Francis I, powerful king, protector of arts and letters6 - Wars of religionHenry IV, King Reconciler8 - Louis XIV, absolute monarchThe time of the Revolution and the Empire1 - France on the eve of the Revolution2 - The French Revolution - 1789: the end of the Ancien Régime3 - The French Revolution - The First Republic4 - Napoleon Bonaparte: the general5 - Napoleon I: the emperorThe time of the Republic1 - From the Revolution to the Empire2 - The time of instability: from the return of the monarchy to the Second Republic3 - The time of instability: from one republic to another4 - The Third Republic5 - The school of the Republic6 - Freedoms, Rights and Duties7 - The constitution of a colonial empireThe industrial age in France1 - The industrial revolution in the 19th century2 - Rural France in the Industrial Age3 - Work at the mine4 - From the craftsman to the worker5 - The industrial cityFrance, from world wars to the European Union1 - The First World War (1914-1918) - Part One2 - The First World War (1914-1918) - Part Two3 - The inter-war period (1918-1939)4 - The Second World War (1939-1945)5- The Second World War (1939-1945): France during the Occupation6 - The Second World War (1939-1945): Genocide7 - The European construction